Government Homebuilder Grant

Government Homebuilder Grant

How to use the Government Homebuilder Grant for house raising.

Raise My House has come up with an innovative idea to process your grant claim quickly.

The key timeframe criteria for the Government’s Homebuilder grant are as follows:

1. The contract to build or substantially renovate must be signed between 4 June and 31 December 2020.

2. The construction must commence within three months of the contract date.

With these points in mind Raise My House is able to help you achieve this immediately. Firstly we’d enter into a contract based on the value of the work that you’d like to achieve (no less than $150,000). And secondly, we’d take a payment to start the planning process. The safety net for you as the consumer is that at any stage you’d be able to disengage from the contract via an extended cooling off period. The value of the extended cooling off period is as follows:

  • Provides the opportunity to collect other quotes after the initial plans are completed.
  • Allows you to obtain the grant within the allocated time frame without being locked into a specific builder.
  • The plans and all documentation are owned by you and NOT Raise My House.
  • The cooling off period only ends once signed by you, to allow site works to commence.

So how do you get started and how do we know how much to estimate?

Raise My House has a long standing reputation of managing the first stage of projects and typically these are between $100,000 and $150,000 in their value. To help set some expectation of what $150,000 can buy for you, please see the following list of items:

  • Design Plans
  • Engineering Plans
  • Town Planning (If applicable)
  • Certification/Approval
  • Block Surveyed
  • Raising and Sliding
  • Restumping
  • Demolition
  • Earthworks
  • Plumbing and Electrical Reconnection
  • Stairs
  • Concrete Under House

With the above completed and assuming a relatively flat block it would be reasonable to assume that you would be able to afford up to one of the following items:

  • Laundry downstairs
  • 5×5 Deck with roof 
  • External linings downstairs
  • Driveway

In some cases there will be the possibility to achieve more of the additional options depending on the size of the house, however, there will also be circumstances where on sloping blocks or larger houses (greater than 3 bedrooms) that the $150,000 would be fully utilised as a part of the first stage. 

Determining this estimate can be calculated within 48 hours, which means that you could be applying for your grant within a week (subject to the application process finalisation with the State Government). For more information on the Homebuilder grant criteria please see the Government link below.   

The Government Homebuilder grant is a great opportunity for homeowners to obtain the finance necessary to raise and restump a house. The only catch is that we have less than Six months to take advantage of it and if you know anything about constructions, it’s that the wheels of designers, engineers, certifiers and council approvals move extremely slowly, to the point that six months is a tight timeframe to make all the right decisions on a 150K project let alone a bigger job. 

Call today on 3087 5326 to get your process started.

Homebuilder Grant

Raise My House has come up with an innovative idea to process your grant claim quickly.

Download the guide to find out more.


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Raise My House service most areas including:

  • Brisbane Northside
  • Brisbane Southside
  • Inner suburbs of Brisbane
  • Ipswich

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